Frangible Heart

Lines from life's fragile moments.

Monday, August 29, 2005

War Dead

We see them as names engraved
On a wall that is black and gleaming.
Is that our reflection, or do we see,
As through a dark screen,
Their faces scanning ours?
We reach to touch their names,
Letting our feelings of awe penetrate the etchings.
The feeling is dreamlike, but serious.
We are aware of death's blurred nature.
We are on both sides of the wall.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Storm

In my mind's eye I see something at the heart of the storm.
It's a blackness;
Swirling in the wind.
Clouds thicken,
Skies turn gray with the gathering dark.
Up ahead I see a beckoning shelter.
The place is calm and I enter its rest.
My cares are blown away;
But the wistful feeling lingers.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


When you are separated by distance, attitudes, things, or other people,
You have a yearning towards
A return;
A homecoming;
A restoration.
You may be absent
Even while you are present.
Someone who loves you can be lonely for you
While you are right there in the room.
Your absence kindles a caring in their heart that goes beyond fondness,
Or even love.
It's a yearning that grows and grows
Until it spills over
And floods their world.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Best Friend

Everybody needs that one, true, loyal friend.
The stick-with-you person you can count on.
The one who is there, come what may.
Like the steady rhythm of a drum beat;
High times and low,
Your strong friend is there for you,
Keeping cadence at your side.


I'm a kid again;
Running fast,
Black hair flowing back.
My skin is smooth and glows with health.
My strong legs carry me tirelessly.
I am youthful and carefree.

Mary M

This is a poem to my sister Mary M
Who hides the fire in her heart until it spills
And then it fills the space between us.
Her listening reflects the way she cares.
Her love is fierce and her sympathy flows
To the low spots in my life.
I love the way she loves to play;
Our laughter leads to tears.
She hides some fears but I've seen the fire
Of unmet goals flaring up to engulf
All the obstacles.
She perseveres.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Taking Turns

The world keeps on turning, day and night, never ceasing.
A continuous flow of people
Passing through the turnstile of life
Taking turns at living.

They show up, go about their little things, and move on.

Just once, someone, do an about face.
Turn around.
Look around.
See the others in their quest.
Your turn is no more important than theirs.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Dog Days

Parched grass crackles underfoot.
Haze hangs heavy in the air
With hum and drone oscillating.
Wildflowers bravely stand,
No breeze to lift their spirits.
High above, the golden disc steams slowly westward.

My Dear One

It hurts me when you hurt.
When I hear you laugh, I cannot help but join you.
I've known you in all your emotions; the ups and downs, the level places.
You are dear to me, all the more because you are yourself with me.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Barefoot Dancing

You light up my face.
What begins as a grin can't be contained by lips and teeth.
I feel the tug of a chuckle in my throat.
Out it bursts.
I watch you dance.
And prance.
One arm up, two feet kicking.
You twirl.
And so does my heart.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Frangible Heart

Frangible heart.
Intangible feelings pressing on my very soul.
I dared to try.
Hope cracked my armour.
I let it in.

Friable heart.
Un"try"able things; I allowed myself to dream.
Hope glimmered and grew.
Then flashed and waned.
Untended hearth grew cold.

Chilled heart.
Stilled, wounded, seared with stony pain.
Alone, encased.
My frozen armor, unyeilding,
My one true friend.

Entombed heart.
Womb of hope reborn, a fainting pulse.
Redeeming love.
Full, throbbing force.
HIS purpose ever mine.